Thursday, September 16, 2010

How Twitter can help you pursue Entrepreneurship

 As you develop your entrepreneurial ideas, consider how Twitter can be used in varying ways to benefit your initiative.  Consider the use of Twitter to help advertise your new product or service.  One of your primary goals should be to get your users and potential market talking about your product or service. People connect on Twitter through expansive networks, and the outreach potential is huge as people share thoughts, opinions, and experiences.  The conversation on Twitter can be a valuable asset to you if you listen to what people are saying to gain a better understanding of the customer's perspective, need, and experience using your product or service.

Twitter can also be used as a medium of communication between your organization and customers.  It can be used as a forum for feedback and questions, and enable you to respond to customers quickly. By engaging customers in social media sites such as Twitter, you have the potential to expand your customer base, develop your reputation, as well as provide information and customer service.

For those of you that are new to Twitter and are interested in using it for a business, check out this website. It offers tips, best practices, and case studies describing the use of Twitter in a business setting.  I encourage you all to think beyond  the social aspects of Twitter, and view it as an important resource with potential to increase the likelihood of success of your entrepreneurial idea.

Twitter 101

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